How to do Organ Transplant rules laws and process of Liver Kidney Eyes Transplant

How to do Organ Transplant rules laws and process of Liver Kidney Eyes Transplant

Organ donation: “There are some people among us who fulfill their responsibilities towards the society even after the end of their life and their medium for this is organ donation. In recent years, there have been more than a thousand such people in the country, Who donated their organs after death. Today many organizations in the country are also making great efforts in this direction.’ These words Prime Minister Narendra Modi Which he said while addressing the nation in Mann Ki Baat program recently.

Organ donation is a kind of life donation, where a person can save someone’s life by donating his organ to another body after his death. The practice of organ donation is very low in India. According to data from Organ Donation India, 500,000 people need organ transplant every year, while only 52,000 organs are available. There is a need for 200,000 cornea donations every year, so that there can be light in the lives of the blind. But there are only 50,000 available. It means that 3 out of every 4 people are waiting for donation for their eyesight. Let us talk about some important aspects related to this.

What is organ donation?

Organ donation means removing a particular organ from the body of a living or dead person and transplanting it into the body of a needy person. In this sense, literally the person donating an organ is called a donor and the person receiving it is called a receiver. In this advanced age of science, there are some parts of our body which when damaged can be replaced by another organ. Such as heart, liver, kidney, pancreas, cornea of ​​the eyes. Kidneys etc. can be donated even while alive, while some organs continue to function for a few hours immediately after death, if during that time those organs are removed and transplanted into the body of a needy person.

Which part of the body can be transplanted for how long?

1. Heart – within 4 to 6 hours of death
2. Kidney – within 30 hours of death
3. Intestine – within 6 hours
4. Pancreas – within 6 hours

What are the laws regarding organ donation in India?

In India, the Transplantation of Human Organs & Tissues Act was passed in the year 1994 for the surgical removal, transplant and maintenance of human organs. Along with this, this law also ensures to implement strict provisions to stop trafficking of human organs.

According to this law, brain stem of any person being dead is the proof of his death, after this, with the consent of his family, his body organs and tissues can be donated and transplanted. The regulatory and advisory body related to the law monitors this entire process. According to this law, in case of living organ donation, the donor can only be a direct blood relation, this committee has been formed to stop the buying and selling by taking money.

How to donate organs

There are two ways to do this. Before death and after death. Organs like liver and kidney are donated while alive. But for this, the receiver should be a person close to your family like parents, siblings, husband-wife etc. For organ donation after death, the body can be donated to any official medical institution.

Apart from this there are some paper processes

If you want to donate organs, first go to the official website and fill the donor form. This form is absolutely free. After filling the form, it is necessary to have the signatures of two witnesses, one of whom should be close to you. After filling the form, a donor card is issued to you, your family and close people should be informed about your being a donor, only then they will be able to consider you in case of any emergency. If you have not registered in advance and still want to donate, then the body can be donated to any organ transplant institution with the free will of the family. For which a packet form has to be filled.

Read this also – Alcohol causes serious harm not only to the liver but also to the skin, if you drink then know this important thing first.

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